This is for you!

This is a space for ALL mamas, full of reminders to slow down, to sip that coffee and to look after you. I’m right here in the trenches with you! Grab your coffee and join me for the latest tips, tricks and inspiration as you browse all my blog articles in one place. Or for a more categorised approach, head up to the menu and explore them from there at your own pace. The choice is yours!

What’s the point of deschooling & how does it work?

Deschooling. It’s a word you’ve likely heard bandied around when it comes to homeschooling. It’s a topic I often get asked about when working with …...

5 tips for homeschooling with babies and preschoolers in tow

It’s a reality that as a parent, your time is demanded in so many different directions. And when you have any kids under the age …...

Don’t forget to build your quit-list

When your to-do list reigns, don’t forget to build your quit-list too. Whether you’re a working mama,a stay-at-home-mama,a homeschooling mamaor a mixture of all of …...

Tomorrow is another day

If there’s one thing I’ve learned from the ever-growing, ever-changing, ever-shifting to-do list that comes with being a mama? Sometimes the challenge is simply to …...

3 tips for homeschooling when mama is sick

Let’s be honest. Some days are for tissues and honey. Whether it meansextra snuggles or extra tears extra cleanup or extra mess there’s something about …...

Mama, let those “interrupted” moments create memories

I slipped quietly into my room, coffee in hand, knowing that I needed to pause, breathe, take some space, open my Bible and start my …...
assorted color star decor on maroon textile

Cherish the little things

Every year my breath catches. Every year their eyes glow. Every year it gets carefully extracted from its boxand the figures get arranged just-so. And …...

I’m not ready for Christmas, and maybe that’s okay

The irony isn’t lost on me. I brush at the hay littered across the living room floor, courtesy of our furry friend’s indoor hutch. Gathering …...

5 ways to respond to *those* homeschool questions

“Oh, is there no school today?” It’s a pretty common refrain when we’re out and about during school hours. You too? How do you respond? …...

5 ways to know that you ARE doing enough – FREE printable poster for ALL mamas

Mama, how do you really know if you are doing enough? The answers might surprise you. Let this printable remind you of what matters most …...

5 ways to know that you ARE doing enough – FREE printable poster for homeschoolers

Homeschool mama, how do you really know if you are doing enough? The answers might surprise you. Let this printable remind you of what matters …...

One KEY principle to teach your kids about technology…

We live in a world where technology is at our fingertips, and so much a part of everything we do. Whether we like it or …...

Join me at Auckland HEART in September!

It’s official! An Auckland day version of HEART (Home Educators’ Annual RetreaT) will be happening on Saturday 24 September, 2022, and I’m thrilled to have …...

Raising kids to think outside the box…

I was chatting with a friend about a time when one of my kids had come up with an arguably witty response to a request …...

3 tips for organising resources when you don’t have a homeschool room

If, like me, you’re a collector of resources and don’t have the space for a homeschool room in your home then these tips just might …...

Join me in Christchurch this September!

I’m delighted to let you know that I’ve been invited to be the keynote speaker at a faith-based retreat for homeschool mamas in Christchurch this …...

When the hard days are also the beautiful ones…

This day? The day these photos were snapped? It was hard. We walked our children through unexpectedly farewelling a beloved pet and laying her to …...

Turning 40 and pondering all the things…

I turn 40 today. It’s kind of a big deal, right? It’s also just another day, of another year. Yet somehow, as the years have …...

Sorting, filing and record keeping the easy way!

Do you feel stuck when it comes to sorting out everything your children have accumulated from the last calendar year? Do you have big piles …...

What you’re doing here, matters – even laundry!

We ask a lot of ourselves as homeschooling parents, don’t we? It’s not enough that we’re taking on the responsibility of educating our children, we …...

Hey mama, I'd love to connect with you. Pop your details below if you'd like to keep up to date and receive somewhat sporadic inspiration from my heart to yours.
Kristy x

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