This is for you!

This is a space for ALL mamas, full of reminders to slow down, to sip that coffee and to look after you. I’m right here in the trenches with you! Grab your coffee and join me for the latest tips, tricks and inspiration as you browse all my blog articles in one place. Or for a more categorised approach, head up to the menu and explore them from there at your own pace. The choice is yours!

How do I know if I’m doing enough?

So often, this is our heartcry, isn’t it? As parents, as homeschoolers, and in all of life? Am I doing enough?? But here’s the thing. …...

Lessons from living with chronic pain

Let’s be real: that can be harder to say some days than others, can’t it? But if there’s one thing that living and homeschooling with …...

Appreciate where you are in your homeschooling journey

First, appreciate that homeschooling IS a journey, full of seasons. Then, appreciate where you find yourself in that journey. Because in homeschooling – and in …...

Thoughts on embracing another term and inspiring learning

Amid a blur of rain and swirling winds, another term is here. Just. And this one’s already living up to its reputation of being cold …...

One simple question to ask yourself when you plan your calendar

It can be so easy to put our hands up to do all sorts of extra things. Added commitments. In life in general. Including (and …...

8 tips for when your child refuses

It can be difficult not to take it personally, and react accordingly, when you encounter refusal from your kids. In any form. So, you’ve asked …...

4 questions to ask yourself when your child refuses

How do you respond? Whether there’s one particular subject that seems to hit a sore spot, a certain activity that sets them off, a request …...

Learning how to learn… and how it applies to math!

Have you ever wondered, “what’s the point?” when it comes to certain subjects? Or found math to be a challenging subject to tackle with your …...

8 ideas for storing stationery

Storing stationery because I’m pretty sure we’ve all hit *that* wall at least once as we’ve tried to make our homes into our havens, right?! …...

Making spaces work: maximising your corners

One main living space. Five individuals. Shared rooms. None spare. Homeschooling everywhere. AND we’re a musical family. So how on earth do you fit it …...

Setting the tone in your home

Have you ever thought “can’t I just have a bad day all on my own?!!!” Some days it really feels like you can’t catch a …...

Displaying art in your homeschool

Where a child’s painting meets home decor… I love finding little nooks and crannies to display my kids’ art! Do you? There’s an entire story …...

One trick for getting back on top of housework

Home Economics is a subject, right? Well, it’s equally valid as a learning tool for your children to help you with. If you’ve encountered a …...

Organising the kitchen bench clutter

Does your kitchen bench accumulate “stuff” like mine?! And do you always land the job of clearing it, because no one else knows where to …...

Remember your “WHY”

Some days it can be SO easy to focus on what we don’t have. But when we do, we lose sight of all that is …...

Using music in your home

Do you use music to create atmosphere in your home? I’ve discovered that by opening my kids’ bedroom doors just a little and letting music …...

To all the tired mamas

To all the tired mamas out there: you’re not alone! I read this to my children this morning, and it spoke to my heart, too. …...

Organising your ART supplies

Is ART another name for “creative chaos” in your home? It’s a tricky one, and for some of us it’s no doubt a love-hate relationship. …...

Planning with a difference… in 2 steps!

I said I’d elaborate, so here I am! Planning… um…… what do I do? Believe it or not, I start with my house! It’s “planning” with a …...

How do I plan my homeschool?

Ok, so I need to be honest about something. I don’t tend to plan like others I know. I’ve tried a planner: it didn’t work. …...

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Kristy x

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