This is for you!

This is a space for ALL mamas, full of reminders to slow down, to sip that coffee and to look after you. I’m right here in the trenches with you! Grab your coffee and join me for the latest tips, tricks and inspiration as you browse all my blog articles in one place. Or for a more categorised approach, head up to the menu and explore them from there at your own pace. The choice is yours!

When the first day of term is just another day…

Coffee first!  Right?! Another first day of another term is here, just like that. Not sure if I’m ready, but it’s fair to say that …...

A Gift for You

It’s finally happened… the website is live! And I’m thrilled to have you join us. To celebrate, here’s a freebie that I’ve created for you …...

So, what IS a homeschool headspace?

In order to understand a homeschool headspace, you first need to ask yourself a question: are you aware how much of your thinking is impacted …...

Making your home, your haven

Making your home, your haven is first and foremost a heart thing. And the fact that you’re here, and reading this, tells me that you’re …...

Remember that the mundane matters, too

This way of looking at the world never gets old. Be it dishes, or laundry, or anything. It’s not always the easy way. And it’s …...

When you look at mess, what do you see?

I’ve been putting it off for a few weeks now. Dealing with the mess downstairs, I mean. We are blessed to have an internal access …...

Finding your tribe

Connection. It’s something we all need – our kids as much as ourselves. And the burning question is: how do you find “your tribe” when …...

Step into the freedom of a homeschool headspace

Are you aware how much of your thinking is impacted by your own experience of education? Here’s a quick comparison for you. Be honest: where …...

The key to teaching writing in your homeschool

Do you feel like you’re hitting a brick wall when it comes to your kids’ writing? Does it seem like they’re “behind” to you? The …...

Choose to be present in each moment

It can be easier said than done, when life pulls you in all directions, can’t it? When the seasons keep going. As your kids keep …...

Flexibility, hospitals and juggling it all

Let’s talk flexibility for a minute. Hubby’s been admitted to hospital, and our week so far has consisted of the need for A LOT of …...

Instead of being overwhelmed by mess, try this!

One of my kids said this to me “It’s messy because I’m alive!” …and honestly, how can you argue with that?!  We love encouraging out-of-the-box …...

Words matter – so choose kind ones!

Words matter. So choose kind ones! The way you talk to yourself is reflected in the way you talk to others. Our children watch us …...

Teaching your kids to be includers

Whatever you teach your kids,however you choose to do so,remember to teach them to be includers: To notice the outsiders.To welcome new faces.To respect differences.To …...

What about when you drop the ball?

Go back and read that again.It’s a freeing realisation, isn’t it? Juggling isn’t about perfection. When we realise that’s ok, that’s when we begin to …...

Measuring Stick #5: Am I doing Enough?

I was originally going to end this series before now. Because some days, more words can mean more overwhelm. I get it. But I can …...

Measuring Stick #4: Am I doing enough?

Defining goals… HOW do you know that you’re really, truly doing ENOUGH in your homeschooling? It’s all in the way that you define your goals. …...

Measuring Stick #3: Am I doing enough?

Quality over quantity… Did you know that the quality of what you offer as a homeschooler, is equivalent to that of a tutor? Stop and …...

Measuring Stick #2: Am I doing enough?

The juggling act… It’s a juggling act, isn’t it? All the things that life requires of us, alongside the challenges and privilege of homeschooling? So, …...

Measuring Stick #1: Am I doing enough?

Noticing seasons… Have you noticed the seasons of homeschooling yet? I’m not talking the usual four – although those definitely factor in – I’m talking …...

Hey mama, I'd love to connect with you. Pop your details below if you'd like to keep up to date and receive somewhat sporadic inspiration from my heart to yours.
Kristy x

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