Welcome, friend!

You’re here because this is all new to you right now. You’re feeling a little (or a lot) bewildered by where to go, to find the information you need to get started.

You know what? I wish I could wrap my arms around you in a great, big, hug and reassure you that you are not the only one. I have supported countless families who have started right where you are now, and you are most definitely not alone.

You’ve come to the right place! Inside this guide you’ll find 5 simple steps that will launch you into starting your homeschooling journey.

Before I go any further though, I don’t want you to feel overwhelmed with it all at once. So I’ve collated everything on this page into a downloadable PDF that you can ask me to send you right now, if you like.

Download your FREE
Starting Homeschooling guide, now!

I know, life gets busy. It's hard to read everything in one go.

That's why I've created this downloadable PDF (with links) that I'll send straight to your inbox.

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So, where should you start?

The first thing you need to hear is that homeschooling is NOT all about ticking the boxes, getting the right curriculum, and making school happen at home. It starts with your vision, your reasons, your goals, and your headspace.

So go grab that coffee, bookmark this page and take your time reading through information I’ve included here. I suggest reading this page in its entirety first, without clicking on any of the links.

Then, go back through and be sure to check out the various blogposts I’ve referenced for you along the way. They’ll help you to get your head around what this homeschooling gig is all about.

And, most importantly, they’ll reassure you that you’ve got this!

It starts with these five steps:

1. Cultivate a homeschool headspace.

Your own experience of education has impacted the way you think about learning. A traditional school mindset is very likely the measuring stick that you are using – automatically – at this point, as you figure out how to homeschool.

It’s super important to recognise where your thinking needs to change. And where you can learn to step into the freedom that a homeschool headspace, brings.

To learn more, browse my A Homeschool Headspace section, read this article: So, what IS a homeschool headspace?, and take a deep breath as you let yourself settle into the freedom that homeschooling will bring you.

Read each of the articles below that apply to you and your family, too:
How to homeschool with babies and toddlers in tow
How to homeschool high school
How to plan the best rhythm for your family

And remember to keep an eye out for resources here at Homeschool Haven, designed to kickstart your thinking and support you each step of the way.

2. Connect with other homeschoolers.

Even before you start researching the “what,” it’s time to start finding your “who.” Talking to other homeschoolers – whether in person, or online – is such a key part of learning what homeschooling is all about.

Search for groups and online forums in your country or area. Follow the rabbit trail of interesting articles and recommendations that you uncover, and see where they take you. Browse the questions others have asked, and don’t be afraid to ask your own. If you’re in New Zealand, check out the additional resources and links to help you, via our New Zealand Launchpad.

Join my Homeschool Haven with Kristy communities on Facebook and Instagram for regular encouragement, ideas, humour and solidarity throughout your homeschool days. Follow Homeschool Pick n Mix with Lisa McKenzie, too!

Check out this article on Finding your tribe, and remember that you don’t need to do everything, all at once.

Also read this: One simple question to ask yourself when you plan your homeschool.

3. Research your options.

There are so many different options involved when it come to homeschooling. To do with your approach, your resources, and your curriculum. Now that you’ve begun meeting other homeschoolers, this part will already be unfolding in your mind – if not in reality, quite yet.

Now’s the time to proactively research the different types of homeschool approaches and see which ones resonate. Start here: Homeschool styles: how to find the best one for you.

Consider how you will cultivate an environment that invites curiosity and learning. What resources will help you do this? These can be considered your curriculum. Head here to find out more about curriculum: Subjects & Curriculum.

If you decide you want to use any formal curriculum, hunt for options that you feel will fit your family. If not, then think about how to cultivate your homeschool haven in a way that will fit your family here: for ideas on how, see Creating your Haven.

Either way, check out my unique approach to Homeschool Subjects for thoughts and ideas to help you get your head around your homeschooling.

Remember: the options out there are literally endless. It’s ok if you don’t manage to trawl them all. It’s ok to dive in and pick a starting point, even if you’re not one hundred percent sure how it will all work out in reality.

Be sure to check out my Recommended Reading section for book lists of some of my favourite reading to get you started, and a top tip on researching curriculum and resources. Subscribe to my mailing list for inspiration via email, and for (sporadic) updates when new articles are released.

4. Adhere to the legal requirements of where you live.

Different countries have different requirements around homeschooling. Make sure that you are aware of yours, and that you go through whatever process is required to ensure that you are fulfilling legal requirements. If you’re in New Zealand, head to NZ Exemption Support for help, direction and a step-by-step rundown of the process involved.

5. And finally: bravely step into the unknown!

It’s brave, you know. Because no matter how much thinking or planning you’ve put into it, there’s something about bringing this homeschool vision to life in your home that can feel a tad scary.

Whether it’s because you feel the weight of your children’s education on your shoulders, or because you know that – regardless of any great intentions on your part – your kids have minds of their own.

Either way, none of us really know how it will unfold until we start. Even so, let this article take the overwhelm away and help you figure out your next steps: What’s the point of deschooling, & how does it work?

Be sure to read up on Looking after YOU, so that you get started on the right foot. And let me tell you now: SO much of it shifts and changes with the seasons! Check out The Juggling Act to help you keep things in perspective as you venture into new territory.

By the way, if you’re feeling right now like you just don’t measure up, then grab your coffee and have a read through Am I Doing Enough?, to be reassured that you’ve got this. You really do!

Bottom line?

There will always, always be more to learn, no matter how much we think we’ve discovered already. So: take a deep breath, my friend. And… learn!

And don’t be afraid to step into the unknown.

Because sometimes?

That’s where the best things start.

Stay awesome!

Not sure what to do next? Head back to the top to get your free download of this Starting Homeschooling guide, so you can browse it at your leisure.

Then, if you need a listening ear coupled with tips and suggestions that are tailored to suit your family’s needs, click here: how can I help you?

Did you know? I’m releasing a course to help you!

Yup, you heard correctly! I’m releasing a course soon that will equip you to homeschool confidently in a way that suits you and your family!

Inside you’ll learn all about:

  • stepping into the freedom of a homeschool headspace.
  • making the exemption application process work for you.
  • tips & tricks for juggling all the things.
  • navigating homeschool seasons & styles in a way that works for you.
  • grasping a holistic concept of curriculum.
  • an assortment of both formal and informal recommendations.
  • strategies for looking after YOU.

Head here to find out more:

Looking for more help?

Head to my Blog for all sorts of articles and support that will help you on your journey. Check out the info and help that’s at your fingertips on the menu. Or start with some of my most recent posts, below:


Homeschool Haven is here to keep you updated with material that inspires and supports you in your homeschooling journey. Be sure to subscribe so that you get up-to-date info right to your inbox. You’ll be notified when new posts, resources and updates are available (and I’ve got some exciting things lined up for you in the near future). I’d love to have you join me!

Are you feeling stuck? In need of homeschool inspiration? Then you'll love what I'm working on! A self-paced video course, designed to help you embrace the uniqueness of your family. Join my mailing list now so you'll be among the first to know when it's finally here!

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