It can be so easy to put our hands up to do all sorts of extra things. Added commitments. In life in general. Including (and often especially) in homeschool circles.
Have you considered the fact that every “yes” you give, has a very real cost attached to it?
It’s so important that we weigh up the cost of each and every “yes” carefully, before making decisions. Before making plans.
Because YOU are one of the most important resources in your family, and you need to make sure you’re looking after you, too!
The heartcry, “am I doing enough?” is so often at the core of our decision-making, isn’t it. But there’s another question I’d like you to ponder before you jump on in and agree to do it all:
Is your “yes” worth the less?
The less of you that there will be to go around?
Less time;
less patience;
less headspace;
less rest;
less _______ (you fill in the blank)?
In some cases the answer is still a resounding “yes!”
But if something is just not sitting right with you, or you’re feeling a little too stretched, I’d like to suggest that it might be time to practice a “no.” And remember that the mundane matters, too.
Just a little tidbit to tuck away from one mama to another (I may or may not have learnt this one the hard way a few times over, in the past!)