Making your home, your haven

Making your home, your haven is first and foremost a heart thing. And the fact that you’re here, and reading this, tells me that you’re well on your way! I firmly believe that your home can be your haven, right here in the middle of everything. No matter what your “anything” looks like right now. I mean that.

Making your home into your haven is about so much more than overcoming mess or creating ways to escape. It’s about building what you and your family need into the way you shape your days and bring balance into your home.

It’s making the most of what you have.

It’s thinking through the “why” of what you do.

It’s recognising that what YOU need matters, too.

It’s noticing what your kids need.

It’s embracing the ordinary.

And it’s cultivating an atmosphere of peace.

Our homes may not look designer-planned and staged, because let’s face it: a bunch of real humans live there. Our homes will each have varying degrees of tidy, messy, organisation and “creative chaos.” But our homes will still look like a home where our children can find spaces to be, to grow, to explore, and to… well… be kids. And where we can be at rest.

And that’s when our homes become our havens.

Homeschool havens.

As I share some of what makes our homeschool a haven with you throughout the various blogposts and pages here at Homeschool Haven with Kristy, it’s my hope and intention that you’ll come away feeling encouraged and inspired. Not only in your own homeschooling (for those of you who are) but also in general. 

I’m here to help you make your home into the haven you want it to be. A haven full of life, truth, goodness, beauty… and fun!

What it does require though? Is you.

All of you.

Your heart, your passion, your vision, your home… and you.

Not a half-hearted you: but the you who is willing to jump into this homeschooling gig, boots and all. Your journey will unfold with twists and turns as you change and learn, and that’s absolutely normal. Exciting, even!

There’s always more to discover, no matter how long you’ve been at this. And I’m here to help. Homeschooling is not about losing who you are. It’s about finding a whole new dimension of who you are, and embracing the seasons as they unfold.

Let me support you in your own journey of making your home a haven, right here in the middle of everything.

Because, my friend, that’s what you’re already doing.

And will keep on doing, one step at a time.

So take another sip of that coffee, and join me for the ride!

Kristy x

Does the state of your house make you sigh, and leave you in need of another burst of encouragement right now? Check out this reassuring blogpost: When you look at mess, what do you see?

Looking for a home “reset” idea that gets your kids on board? Try this: One trick for getting back on top of housework.

Remember to head on back to Creating your Haven to find all sorts of other tips and tricks to try as you make your home, your haven.

Hey mama, I'd love to connect with you. Pop your details below if you'd like to keep up to date and receive somewhat sporadic inspiration from my heart to yours.
Kristy x

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About Kristy

Creator of Homeschool Haven. Passionate about bringing inspiration, encouragement and resources to help you make your home into your haven: one coffee at a time!