Finding your tribe

Connection. It’s something we all need – our kids as much as ourselves. And the burning question is: how do you find “your tribe” when it comes to homeschooling?

We all have visions of creating a group of families that are likeminded, who navigate this homeschooling gig together. And that’s a beautiful thing. But it’s not always as simple as the click of a finger, is it?

I’d like to suggest that it starts with ONE thing. One brave move.
One commitment.
One connection.

Let me share my story.

Our homeschool journey began with a five year old, a preschooler, and a newborn. Those are busy ages, aren’t they? And always a bit of a juggling act. So I started small. I picked my ONE thing; one homeschool activity to join, and that was it.

In this particular example, it was swimming lessons. Do you know what my purpose in signing up was though? Connection. The swimming lessons themselves were secondary – a bonus, as it were. The activity itself wasn’t the measure of whether or not I was doing enough. Because I knew that we needed to begin the process of meeting fellow homeschoolers.

And we did! There is a family that we are still close with, to this day. Simply because we picked that one thing. And, after awhile, were brave enough to speak up and set that first playdate. Not a headlong rush: a slow jog.

Fast forward through that first year, and I made it to some information evenings and met some mums there over a couple of sessions. We decided to try meeting up all together sometime. Because, why not? I admit that it was a bit hit and miss at first, but became a fortnightly connection point that spanned years. Something that we all looked forward to during that season of our lives.

And our focus? Again: connection.

Letting our kids play all day and forge those beautiful childhood memories. Taking the time to sip coffee and chat with other adults (which, as we all know, can feel like a novelty some days). To listen, and feel heard.

So what does this mean for you, and for your tribe?

Well, I know things aren’t easy right now. Meeting up and organised activities are trickier. But I’m here to reassure you: you don’t have to fill your days with activities. In fact, if you do, chances are you’ll lose that slow-paced, relationship-growing way of doing life. Which, ironically enough, we’ve all learnt more about in these past two years, haven’t we? Instead, remember the why of what you’re doing here.

One IS enough.
One is a great starting point!
One family. One other adult that you connect with while your kids get to know each other.

So much can grow from just one.

And yes, maybe brave in this current season means reaching out online. Whatever it is for you, let me encourage you.

Right now, especially if you’re starting out, your tribe may not feel big. If it feels like it’s only you, that’s totally normal, too – and it’s not the end!

Please remember that your family unit also contains connections that are important to cultivate.

And remember that connection doesn’t have to look like bunch of kids racing around together.

I mean, maybe it will for you one day – in the loveliest of ways. Or maybe it won’t. It’s still connection, no matter the number. And it needs to work for you, too. Not just your kids.

There are other beautiful friendships our family has forged over the years. Often they’ve started slowly and unexpectedly, as we’ve taken one small step out of our comfort zone, and met others doing the same.

I guarantee you, there will be opportunities for your family to connect with others who will become your tribe, over time. How do I know this, you ask? Because you’re still here, reading, so I can tell it’s something that matters to you.

The beauty of homeschooling is the depth and long lasting nature of the friendships you and your kids will be able to make.

And good things?

Often take time.

If you forget everything else I’ve said, I hope you remember this: it’s a marathon, not a sprint. Meaningful connections start, and are built, one at a time.

Just one.

And yours matter, too. So make sure that you’re looking after you, and what you need, along the way.

Stay awesome!

Kristy x

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About Kristy

Creator of Homeschool Haven. Passionate about bringing inspiration, encouragement and resources to help you make your home into your haven: one coffee at a time!