Homeschool styles: how to pick the best one for you

If you’re considering homeschooling, one of the things you need to think about is which homeschool styles or approaches resonate most with you.

So, how do you choose your homeschool style? How do you pick the best one for you? You’ve come to the right place! I’m here to help.

Here are five steps to help you pick the best homeschool style for your family.


Before you do anything else (by that I mean, before you even start to think about homeschooling) you need to consider what you’re bringing to the equation. By that, I mean in your thinking.

What do you think education should look like?

Chances are, you’re coming in with a traditional school mindset because of what your own education looked like. Everything you currently think about education is most likely a response to this, even unknowingly. You’ll be surprised by how many ways this creeps in!

Have a look at this quick comparison to see where your thinking aligns:
Traditional School Mindset vs Homeschool Headspace


Then, take time to investigate the difference that a homeschool headspace can make for you and your family. Read this article to explore how:
So, what IS a homeschool headspace?

Read this article (and the rest of the “Am I Doing Enough?” Series) to consider the way that learning at home can be measured differently to how it happens at school: Measuring Stick #3: Quality over Quantity

Start by considering your why and the reasons behind your decision to homeschool. Not sure how to work out your why? Then you’ll love my upcoming self-paced video course, where I dedicate the whole first session to helping you get started and grow your homeschool headspace. Check out what’s inside the course by getting a sneak peek here: Homeschooling: what you really need to know.


Next, take stock of where your family is at now. And you, personally. What kind of season are you in? How do your days and weeks run? What is non-negotiable?

Read this article to help you figure out what kind of season you are in right now: Measuring Stick #1: Noticing Seasons

Consider the daily and weekly rhythms that you need for yourself, and for your kids, to make your homeschool days work, and to fit your why. Read this to help you: How to plan the best rhythm for you and your family


Now that you’ve begun to step out of a traditional school mindset and into the freedom of a homeschool headspace, and are aware of the type of season you are currently in… it’s time to research different homeschool styles and approaches to see what gels the most for you!

Here are two ways that you can do that…

1) I have an entire session of my self-paced video course dedicated to exploring five of the main styles: Charlotte Mason, Unschooling, School-At-Home, Unit Based, and Eclectic. I’d love you to join me inside the course where I share tips, tools and personal stories about the many seasons and styles we’ve used in our homeschooling years so far as I equip you to confidently homeschool your way. Click here to find out more about the course: Homeschooling: what you really need to know.

2) Browse the resources below and take note of what resonates most for you:

Homeschool Methods – from

Homeschooling Approaches – by NCHENZ (National Council of Home Educators NZ)

Five Homeschooling Styles – by


And then… start somewhere! Decide what homeschool style (or styles) that you lean towards most… and try it out! Just give it a go!

Remember that you can change it along the way if you need to. I sure have, and inside my course (over a virtual cup of coffee with you) I share my personal stories relating to different styles.

Sometimes different seasons need different approaches. And that’s absolutely okay! But the thing that remains steady throughout any homeschool style or approach is your “why.” Your reason for homeschooling in the first place. Which, at its root, is the philosophy behind your choice. The heart behind what you’re doing.

But… what do I say in an exemption application?

Just say what you think you’ll do based on what you’ve discovered, and remember that it’s okay if your reality changes over time: that’s life! For more reassurance on how to fill out your exemption, check out my course and my exemption writing services. I’d love to help make the process easier for you!

And then…

Now that you have a better idea of your homeschool style – or at least have an idea of where you’d like to start – you can get stuck into shaping your days to look just the way you’d like them to! Check out this article about how to set the tone for your day: Setting the tone in your home.

One last thing though, before I sign off here. Remember to allow plenty of grace along the way. You are human and your kids are human, and any change takes time as you settle into a new way of doing things.

This is all part of the new adventure you’re on! You’ve got this, and it’s going to be amazing. I believe in you! Let’s stay in touch.

Make sure you’ve downloaded my free guides and subscribed to my (very sporadic, because life is like that!) mailing list. I’ve made them super easy to find by popping them all here for you:

Get Starting Homeschooling Guide
Get NZ Exemption Support Guide
Subscribe to my mailing list

And be sure to use the links up top to find me on socials, too – I’d love you to join the communities and feel the encouragement of the wonderful people around who are navigating all of this, just like you.

Because you’re not alone – truly.

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About Kristy

Hi, I'm Kristy. Writer, coach, speaker, coffee-drinker, chocolate-lover, thankful wife, mama and creator of Homeschool Haven. Passionate about supporting YOU as you grow extraordinary kids through ordinary moments, without losing sight of who you are in the mix. Here to help you make your home into your haven: one coffee at a time!